Damilola Minett


ISSA (International Sports and Science Association

One on One and Small Group Personal Training (clients tend to love both, as do I)

Who I am
Hi, I’m Dami. I’ve played sports my whole life, but weight training did not start out on my list of loves. When I entered high school and began playing football as a sophomore, I had my first introduction to weight training. I hated it. I was insecure, and I was embarrassed as I was weaker than my teammates. Fast forward two months, and I realized that my potential was greater than my fear, and I gradually felt myself getting stronger. I started to enjoy that feeling and continued on.
Once I got to college, however, strength and conditioning was on a whole new level, and I had to take it seriously. The people I was playing with and against were much more advanced, and now, more than ever, I needed need to get bigger, stronger, and faster if I was going to stay healthy and be competitive.
I think, after I initially understood how important training was to me, I never looked back. I no longer play competitive sports, but training is such a deeply rooted part of my life. It empowers me, it helps maintain my self-esteem and confidence, and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done for my body and my mind. I hope you’ll allow me the opportunity to teach you what I’ve learned, and continue to learn, in order to find our best and strongest self. See you in the gym!

About me, personally:
My favorite color is gold, anything gold. I don’t have a favorite food; I literally eat everything. I’d vacation anywhere warm; and (drum roll please)… I’m obsessed with binging Anime shows.

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